Sunday, July 20, 2008

6 for Sunday

Here are 6 things about me all because it's Sunday....
1.I love to do laundry but HATE to wash my car :)
2.From the age of 8 to 15, I was raised by my mom and her Japanese-American boyfriend. I ate so many weird foods growing up but boy am I good with chopsticks.
3.I have only lived in 2 towns my entire life....Auburn and Grass Valley. Wow right.
4.I can send hours in a books store. I love the way new books smell.
5.Starbucks whip cream makes the roof of my mouth slimy.
6.I have had the same best friend for 28 years and I miss her very much, especially right now.

I have shared mine now what are yours?

1 comment:

PBandJ said...

My 6 for Sunday:
1. I love to clean house, but I hate to clean the bathroom. I would even fold laundry and wash 10 cars before the bathroom chores.
2. I adore baking. I think in a past life I was a Baker.
3. I have lived in a million towns... or several, anyway. I have lived in 9 towns in the Bay Area, 1 town in Sierra County, 1 town in Nevada County and 2 towns in Placer County. I hate moving and I will never do it again!
4. Unless I moved to a bookstore! I can (and have)spent hours in various bookstores. I am working on a very extensive library at home and I hope it takes up an entire room someday.
5. I love Startbucks, even the whipped cream, but I am trying to kick the habit. It does not help at all when we do Starbucks runs at work.
6. I think I have had several best friends, but I have not seen any of them in a long time, and it is heartbreaking. I am glad for the people around me on a daily basis, as they ease the pain a little and help me build new friendships.