Saturday, July 19, 2008

I am trying to understand......

Our job as adults is ultimately to protect and care for those smaller, younger and less capably to defend or care for themselves. So why do we as a society see people hurting others (kids, elderly, men, women, whoever) and not do anything? Why do those that are paid to protect kids, protect and remove 1 but leave others to still suffer abuse? And then when kids harm one another do we wonder what happened to our society? Why are we not holding CPS accountable for their actions for their choosing 1 or more children over the others? What about parents that do the same thing protect 1 child over another? Where does it end and who do we blame?

1 comment:

PBandJ said...

This is a sensitive issue with me because my family has a huge history of child abuse and CPS did not do anything, although they were called on my parents several times. I know that the workers all have massive caseloads and are overworked, but childrens' lives are at stake and someone should take a little more care with the training and workloads of CPS. Just my 2 cents!