Thursday, July 24, 2008

So I have been thinking....

Yesterday this statement was made "If you can't adhere the fidility then you should not be doing the program." Needless to say I am frustrated I work in a stressful enviroment, we are forced to get as much done as possible with every kid in the place. Somedays we are great for time, other days you forget the last time you ate or better yet the last time you went pee, you plead for time to go faster or begging for just a few more minutes of time because the supervisor is damanding something else be done before 6pm. I appear the be getting off track so we do this group I think like 6 days a week and yesterday we had a refresher training. Well it did not go so hot. A statement was made behind my back that makes me truly believe that we are the "red headed step-kid"..the other trainer (I'm also one) and other leader said "if this is how they do their groups no wonder their data was so bad." Plus they jumped all over our group first thing but did nothing about any one elses. Wow how many times can I get stabbed in the back. Well you see these groups are supposed to be allotted 1 hour and only 10 kids but because we have this go, go, go and do, do,do schedule plus we have all these kids that just do not care that hour has been pushed to 30 minutes and now every kid has to be up. So know we have 20 kids to do a group with and only 30 minutes to do it in. Makes sense to me what about you? So back the my orignal quote if you "can't adhere to fidity then you should not be doing this program." All I can say is wow, wish I would have had a tape recorder that could have, would be the quote of probation century. I guess I just have to settle for the fact that I have over 15 witnesses all of which immedaitly came up to me and said, "so I guess we are not doing group anymore?" all I could say is "thats what I understood!" The groups a pain in my ass any way.
.......I QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PBandJ said...

It's all good. You would not be doing the group if they did not think you were the best person for the job. They are just stiring the pot, because they can, and there is nothing better to do. We do work in a stressful environment,espcially because, like every other job, the upper guys "delegate down" and more falls onto you.
Let me know when you want to walk some of your stress off!

PBandJ said...

PS: your blog is looking really great!