Wednesday, July 9, 2008

7 funny but true facts in the life of a "super hero"!!!!

1. Adult evil villains cry way more then kid evil villains. But their attitudes are much better.

2. People who blow .27 are really, really drunk and make super hero's laugh really, really hard. Almost to the point were we pee our pants.

3. Amnesty hour is between 12am and 2am. You learn losts of very neat things about people that you have to instantly forget at 2:01am.

4. If you stand in Tahoe City on the 4th of July, you can see fireworks in South Lake, Incline Village and Tahoe City all within 15 minutes.

5.Ballistics vests are great and they save lots of lives every year but boy do they make those things uncomfortable.

6.If anyone is looking for eye candy next year and loves a man in uniform head to Tahoe. Lots of super heros up there for the 4th. But don't do anything illegal we will be watching.

7.I hate hands free driving, it sucks. Everyone looks dumb driving and talking to themselves. I don't follow that law because its DUMB!!!!

There I got a few things off my chest.

1 comment:

PBandJ said...

Definitely very true; all you need now is a superhero name! I will think of a good one for you.