Friday, August 8, 2008


I have some friends that can't have a baby so they are doing an honorable thing and adopting. They are adopting an unwanted baby, a girl baby (6-12mths) that was abandoned at an orphanage. Here is the catch, its more of a catch 22, when they started 22 months ago the standard wait was 12 months now it's unknown. With the Olympics it could add a year or more. I have watched this family yearn for their daughter, probably more then anyone else. This is a child born in China, cared for by unknown people but carried in their hearts since day one even before she was conceived. I have watched this couple and others in very similar situation struggle, see very few joys and many hurts and battles in hopes of one day holding their daughter that was loved and conceived half way around the world. These couples have built their lives on hope, they have created rooms, bought clothing and made other preparations. But now I have seen them pack away those once precious items because its just too hard to deal with. The wait is taking a toll. The wait is too long, it's become a daily struggle however if you ask any of them if they would give up not one of them would and all would do it again. I guess we all have to wait for something, we just have to remember that the wait it tough and not always fun but in the end it is worth it. So we will continue to wait for all the babies, for all of the forever families to be united. This post is dedicated to all of our Chinese Princess especially Alicyn and Zoey. So the waiting continues but friendship will make it easier.....I hope!

1 comment:

Cyndi and Dean James said...

Beautifully said!! Thank you, Sarah! You made us feel really good by posting this. We know in our hearts that Ali Shea will be here one day and she will be so loved. Not only by us, but also you.
Cyndi & Dean :)