Sunday, August 10, 2008

Giggles and Imaginations

As I sit here at home with all my windows open after a really bad day, I listen to all the little kids playing outside. I live in an apartment and there are 3 boys and 1 girl who play outside my window daily, some days its house, others its super hero's or just riding bikes. Today however they are magical creatures maybe wizards and the soup that they live on is made from water and blackberries. They have wands made from sticks that destroy imaginary evil creature that the adult eye can not see. I guess as we have gotten older we lose our creative side. They run around yelling, shouting and telling each other to be careful, to watch out all the while laughing and giggling. They use torn grass as magic fairy dust maybe to save each other but some how this too invokes laughter. They have taught themselves that crushed up berries dyes cloth and cement making their own tribal designs. Oh the wonder of being young, free and full of life.....

1 comment:

PBandJ said...

I would wear my tiara and bring a magic wand to work daily if I was not afraid people would think me crazy and I would be fired. I do not think we lose our imagination, I think we suppress it because we are afraid to show others what we love and long for. I cannot wait until Paul can play pretend, I am going to encourage the most silly games!