Sunday, August 31, 2008

FAMILY REUNIONS need I say more?

So today my dad's family planned a "family reunion" if that's what you would like to call it. Its funny because I was invited to go to it but they are always so awkward, strange and violating to say the least. See I'm the "good" grand-daughter, the one that went to college, never was arrested and doesn't have baby daddy drama with all that good stuff I somehow have become the "hated" one. However because I did these things I don't fit in and I somehow "think I'm better then them", okay who's issue? What makes it worse is that my family sees nothing wrong with their behavior and they view it strictly as my issue. That I have been corrupted by my mother and her need to make me hate my father and his family. Believe me I have my own reasons to hate my father, I don't need her. See my grandmother does the "grandmotherly" thing and sends me birthday, Christmas and Easter cards all saying how much they miss me, but then I go and get the guilt trip. Don't worry I send her the same cards first however so maybe I am a pity card. This is the same person who threatened me with being removed from the will if I did not come visit her during Christmas 4 years ago. Sorry don't need nor do I want your money so pride, dignity and some stupidity being my downfall I have not been in 4 years. I guess you can say nobody threatens me. Well really my family is all a bunch of crazies who don't really get along and only pretend to like each other so that someday they will get some money. Everyone lets their kids run free and nobody watches the little ones once the alcohol starts going. Basically its the Griswold's family adventures all rolled into one day plus add a few or 30 more people. Goodness there should be a license to have kids half my family would have not been able to breed. Okay, so moral of this story I wish I could pick my family much like I picked my friends.

1 comment:

PBandJ said...

We should get together and talk family sometime; I am sure we would both get plenty of laughs. My grandma walked out of my wedding because it was a Mass instead of a Reno shotgun wedding. Yet, I am the one with issues, according to them... go figure.