Wednesday, October 15, 2008

You're not a team player...

this is what I was told today. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this, I guess I just don't get it. How can I not be a team player if I help out with other programs, I'm the first to volunteer for something and I work well with others. I guess if you "vent to others" then you're not a team player. Until I master the role of being a team player I will not go anywhere with this department. That's what was said. Interesting! Oh and I need to learn to congratulate people who get promoted, I never read that in the policy but I will try. Just venting here, at least I can vent here and not get "in trouble!"

1 comment:

PBandJ said...

People should not say things like that; everyone is having issues right now... it has been a bad year, and things like "you're not a team player" just makes it worse. I think our department needs group therapy.