Thursday, October 16, 2008

Use of Force gone bad!!!!!!

So on Wednesday I had Use of Force, this is a 4 hour training that I typically dread. Someone usually gets hurt and in the long run when the "crap" hits the fan they never really gone down like practiced. Oh well, so Maben and I were partners and it was a small none threatening class of 6 officers. We did this escape from a choke hold, for the record I'm never letting a kid get close enough for that and should it happen its on. So back to this move, you have to use a rocking motion while laying on your back to then wrap your leg around their head and quickly move to a kneeling potion thus striking them many times in the ribs. Okay easy enough, well first wrong move I re-aligned Maben's spine, thus hitting my leg hard enough to give myself one killer bruise. I think I win the Use of Force bruise award, this thing is easily 6-8 inched long and deep black and purple, upper calf to lower thigh. Maybe I will post a picture it gross but pretty amazing that a head did it. That however was not the only war wound Maben was hurt later when she attempted to grab my pepper spray only to lose half her nail, if only that was a deterrent for the kids in the hall. Oh well at least we had fun and no one went to the hospital, right. Wait I never got to ride in an ambulance so maybe that would have been kinda fun.....maybe next time. Just kidding I have to do this again next month pray for me!!!! Please.


Never give up said...

For once, someone got hurt in UOF and Pieper was the cause and Forshage wasn't the injured one!

PBandJ said...

I saw the bruise, it is massive and VERY cool! I do not want one, but battle scars are always good.