Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Now it's time to say goodbye....

Ok we will just be saying goodbye to 2008 and trading it in for a shiny 2009. Wow the years continue to click by, we get older, heavier, probably more jaded but socially things don't really change. 2008 has been a crazy year, we have seen gas at an all time high. The unemployment rate is so high that we may see unemployment come to an end. We have seen a high rate in foreclosures due to bad loans. I wonder if the divorce and suicide rates have also gone up? We have witnessed an election few older people thought they would ever see. Obama will be sworn into office sometime in late January. We had one of the highest turn out of voters this year, maybe because of the president elect or maybe because of prop 8. Prop 8 created a stir in California defining marriage strictly between a man and women. This pitted a large majority of the state against a few large churches. Whether its an unconstitutional law will be determined in late 2009. Wow 2008 went out with a bang.
Personally not much has changed, still single, what else is new. More activity in the church. My grandfather has cancer again, we as a family will fight for remission again. My dads sick somethings wrong with his heart but he is too dam stubborn to have the surgery. My family welcomed a new baby, it seems to have brought us closer. My brother continues to date multiple girls, they are flavors of the week and not girlfriends. He tells me that's what being 24 is all about. Days continue to pass...I'm glad 2008 is coming to an end.

1 comment:

PBandJ said...

Hopefully 2009 will be happier and healthier for many than 2008 was. All the sorrows and joys of '08 affect everybody in some way, and we have not escaped that fact.
2008 was a major year in my life, and I would not trade it for anything. A less adventurous 2009 would be good, though!