Wednesday, November 12, 2008

An era is gone....

The baby era is gone :( and we are very sad!!!

So tuesday my closest friend Julie had a hystrectomy. We have know each other since we were 13 we are practically family and look like sisters. Even in the hospital people asked if we were sisters, silly how we pick friends that look like us. So for her its the end of the baby era. She's sad and so am I, who is suppose to have that kind of surgery at 30, especially the day after your birthday. Its funny right before she went in she begged me to have one also but I had to remind her that one of us had to be able to have a baby. She came back with this hospital is full of smart men and doctors at that so go find a future baby. That's Julie for you always thinking ahead. Well today she begged me to take away her pain. Who wants to see their friend in pain?! I sure as hell don't. I called the nurse, got here juice, sat and read while she slept and laughed while she talked in her sleep.

She eventually came too and I got her up and moving a bit. I fought with the mean nurse that wouldn't listen and demanded to talk with someone else, who fixed the problem. I did tell her she owes me big time..especially after she had me put her belly button ring back in, helped her to the bathroom and rubbed her legs cause she itched so bad. I sat with her while her husband worked so that she was never alone, its like we are doing shifts. He is doing the 8pm to 5am I'm doing the opposite. But that's what friends are for right...she is the one I would and could get it trouble with..but we would do anything for each other. Sometimes friends really are better then family because her family was not there!

1 comment:

PBandJ said...

I am so sorry she had to go through that surgery; nobody should have to. You are a great friend, though, and she was lucky to have you there!