Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dating in the real world...

So I went on a date last Tuesday, we went to the movies had fun, thought we got along pretty well but wasn't really looking for the "one". Well at the end of the date I got a hand shake..yep! Not like I wanted a hug or anything but who shakes hands...I have the worst luck with meeting and dating guys I need to find a nice guy who is not afraid of a strong personality. All of you know me and my personality...I'm such a taurus. Oh and the best part of this whole mess was he sent me an email saying "I'm not interested and I need to find someone I can be serious with". Go figure, maybe I want to just be guys can be so self centered and dumb!!!!

Anyone know a nice single guy that I can meet?

Stay tune for more dating horror stories because I have a bunch.... Sooo many I could write a book or atleast a blog.

1 comment:

PBandJ said...

Ugh, I am sorry about your date. A hand shake is pretty lame, but an email is really bad. I never went through the dating thing with anyone but Jim, and I am very glad that worked out because I do not think dating is for me. You will find someone. I wish I knew some single guys for you... I will keep a lookout!