Thursday, September 25, 2008

My childhood dreams!

So I have been thinking alot about my childhood dreams, things that I want to accomplish in my life. I found a diary from when I was 10-12 years old and here is what I found. Some sound silly and some are very serious.
1. I want to be a wife and mother. In that order and I understand that in this day in age this sounds very silly.
2. I want to graduate from college. Yes, I have already done this once but when I was little I wanted to be a lawyer so maybe I should just suck it up and go to law school.
3. I want to REALLY help someone. Go figure.
4. I want to learn to drive really fast. I wonder why I have had 2 major speading tickets.
5. I want to travel the world especially to Europe.
6. I want my family to always be happy and to always get together on Christmas Eve.
7. I'm going to save the world. Wow did I have big dreams.

So what were your childhood dreams?

1 comment:

PBandJ said...

When I was a kid I was going to be a cop. I did not want a family; my sister, my best friend at the time and I were going to be roommates forever and have fun every day. I also wanted to win the lottery and give the money to poor kids after I bought a really cool car and a cat.
My reality is very, very different, but I would not change it for the world... except maybe the lottery part.